Good posture is nothing more than keeping your body in proper alignment. What identifies good posture? A straight back, squared shoulders, chin up, stomach in. Think U.S. Marines! Draw an imaginary line from your ear through your shoulder, hip, knee to the middle of your ankle. Simple as that. Also think of a beauty pageant; the contestants competing have great posture which brings a confidence to them as well as those doing the judging.
Always check your posture in a mirror at home or at the fitness center. Glance in a store window when walking down the street until good posture becomes a habit. When you become aware of proper posture it may feel uncomfortable at first. Your muscles have given way to the incorrect or slouching posture. It will take a few days to become totally comfortable with the new you, but as your body begins to slowly shift you will feel the difference.
Start by standing with your heels, back and head against a wall, arms at your sides. Keeping those shoulders back, tummy pulled in; begin to raise your arms keeping them extended and against the wall. Slowly slide your arms up the wall until they are overhead.. Keep the shoulders squared, do not let them become rounded or move up toward your ears. Then slowly slide your arms back down to your sides. Repeat for 10 reps if you can. This is not easy, but will strengthen and retrain those muscles. Cut the reps if necessary.
For those of you who have taken my classes you will remember the classic and dreaded roll ups! Lie on a mat, arms at your sides. Knees may be bent or legs outstretched depending on your core strength. Stretch your arms out in front of you as you begin to slowly engage the core and bring your upper body back up to center with shoulders in line with your hips. DO NOT JERK OFF THE MAT OR ALLOW THOSE SHOULDERS TO COME NEAR YOUR EARS!!! KEEP THEM BACK AND DOWN.
Maintaining great posture is maintaining a strong core. Opening your chest is paramount. When sitting watching TV or at your desk, continue opening the chest, pulling those shoulders back until great posture becomes habit.
Another great exercise: Stand keeping elbows tight to your waist. Place your hands on your shoulders and slowly raise your elbows until they are parallel with the shoulders then slowly lower. Do not allow the shoulders to rotate up to your ears which in the beginning may prove to be difficult for some. Do 10 reps and repeat.
Stretching is also so important in maintaining great posture. Take a Yoga or Mat Pilates
Class if you can. Both are so wonderful for not only your core, but your posture as well. A good instructor will always be happy to answer your questions and help you engage the proper stretches for correct alignment.
If you work out at a fitness center, always ask for help to make sure you are maintaining the proper posture for lifting, lunging, squats or whatever exercise you are focusing on. Improper posture during these activities could lead to serious injury.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
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