Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Workouts

It's officially Spring and many folks are now gearing up for summer and beach vacations!  

Getting bikini  or swimsuit ready  is about combining cardio, strength training and diet.  Be aware that you can't work off a bad diet!!   See my prior blogs for nutritional guidelines.

CARDIO - Walking, running, biking, elliptical, stepper, they all work - your choice, but try to mix it up!  Your body will plateau out if you don't keep it guessing.

For those of you who don't belong to a health or fitness club, get outside and move it!!!   Always be aware of your form.  

If the weather is bad - move it anyway!!!   Dance to your favorite music.....who cares what you look like bouncing around your living room....just DO IT!   You will feel great after!!   Trust me, I do it all the time!!

Tomorrow, I'll focus on strength training! 

If you have specific questions, please contact me!!!

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