Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Belly Bulge & Death

If your pants or skirts are feeling tight around your waistline, please take note. Belly bulge can be deadly in older adults even those who are not overweight or obese by other measures.

One of the largest studies done on abdominal fat suggests that both men and women with the biggest waistlines have a greater risk of dying over a 10 year period than those with smaller tummies. Even if you haven't noticed a significant weight gain and you've noticed that waistline growing it's warning signal.

Four extra inches around the waist increased the chance of dying from 15 to 25 percent. Oddly the strongest link, the 25 percent was in women who had a BMI within normal limits.

To check your girth, wrap a tape measure around your waist at the navel. Men should have a circumference of no more than 40 inches; women no more than 35 inches.

Diet and strength training is the key to losing that abdominal fat. Now is the time think about your health; don't wait until tomorrow. Take that first step today!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Quick Fixes

The other day when I was out doing my cardio with my dog a woman passed me wearing a rubberized suit. Obviously she thought wearing it would cause her to sweat and lose weight; what she doesn't realize is that she's only losing water and becoming dehydrated and that's dangerous. She was overweight and it was almost 90 degrees!

Whether it's a rubberized suit, a quick fix diet, or the expensive equipment you see advertised on those infommercials, nothing will help you to lose weight and tone up but a healthy diet and exercise. Cardio and strength training combined with a healthy diet is what will help you to not only lose that weight, but keep it off.

Unfortunately we are a country of the "quick fix". We need to get back to the basics; preparing our own meals from fresh ingredients especially those in season; drinking water rather than soda, sugar rich drinks and desserts. Don't drive around the parking lot looking for that close space; park and walk to the market. Of course use common sense......make sure you park in a safely lit area and be aware of what and who is around you.

For those who run or walk with those Ipods or MP3 players, leave them at home. You won't be able to hear a car, a person or even a dog who might be coming up behind you. Always be aware of your surroundings. Even if you are on the beach listen to the sound of the waves, the birds and allow nature to not only inspire, but relax you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Healthy Snacks

Even those of us who regularly eat healthy and watch our calories sometimes get side tracked because of social functions, sporting events, vacations or we just want to splurge!

One of the fastest ways to get back on track is with some healthy snacks. If you find yourself in a car most of your day or have a long commute make sure you pack some snacks to keep your energy up and keep that boredom from setting in. In the car listen to the same type of music you love to work out with; it will keep you awake, inspired and make that drive more enjoyable. Fill small plastic snack bags with nuts and dried fruits. A bottle of water will help to keep the sleepiness away and, yes, even coffee is good for you! It's what you put in it that's bad so watch the sugars and creamers.

For those of you who bring lunch to work, salads with grilled chicken, raw veggies and walnuts is a high protein healthy way to go. Put your salad dressing on the side or go with vinegar and olive oil. Snacks for the office could include sliced apples dipped in natural peanut or almond butter. Fresh berries in season, walnuts, almonds (just a few), a rice cake, carrots with hummus, green tea and water. NO DIET DRINKS!

These are all easy to prepare and you will feel great at the end of the day. For the after dinner sweet tooth so many of us have try some nonfat Greek yogurt topped with fresh or frozen berries, slices of mango, peach or pineapple.

You can be creative with your snacks and be healthy as well!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Getting the Most From a Workout

For everyone who works out on a regular basis, you've realized it's an addiction (a good addiction)!

But also realize your body needs time to recover so take a day off without being afraid it will cause any back sliding. You will come back to the health club with more energy; ready to take it up a step! Be careful of not taking too much time off.....that will affect your performance and energy levels.

No matter where you are you can always fit in some push ups, squats, stationary lunges and crunches, even in a hotel room. For those of you who are fit and used to taking it up a those push ups with your feet on the top of the bed....a bit more difficult, but will give you more of a upper body workout! Traveling or being away from the gym is no excuse for not working out!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Football Season

Football season kicks off tonight in New Orleans!! Everything here is buzzing with the pregame concert from Jackson Square and then the face off with the Vikings!

It's also the time to stop and think about what you are putting in your body! For those of you watching at home, make those healthy snacks rather than the normal chips, dips, nachos and pizza. You can still enjoy those, but with a bit of tweaking you can make them healthier and cut the calorie and fat content down.

Go with baked chips; make your own dip using non-fact plain yogurt instead of sour cream. Add in your own spices or go for it by using a pre-made dip mix with that yogurt. Guacamole is a great snack choice, healthy if paired with a baked pita chip; hummus is a high protein snack loaded with fiber; if you really want those nachos, go with the baked chips, a white cheese (less fat and calories), add those chopped tomatoes and chili peppers. You can add in some protein with grilled chicken pieces, shrimp or crab meat!

Headed to your local sports bar; watch that beer, the calories add up quickly. Order grilled chicken with a salad, if you crave that pizza, see if they have a thin crust loaded with veggies!

Remember, it's almost impossible to work off a bad diet. And this is about a habit....create a healthy football season habit; you'll feel better, look better and enjoy the game even more!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Long Weekend

Most of us have a long weekend and some of you have numerous gatherings to attend; all with great food and drink.

Don't get caught up in overloading that plate with all the offerings!! Start out with small portions; don't let the foods touch each other on the plate!! This will keep your portions smaller. Instead of eating quickly and going for that second helping, let 20 minutes pass...enough time to let your brain and tummy catch up with each other. You will then fill full and your craving for that extra helping will pass!

Drink plenty of water, it helps to keep you not only hydrated but full as well.

Drive safely and enjoy the holiday weekend! For some of you it won't be long before the cold and snow arrives!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Power of Will and Desire toward a Healthy Lifestyle

Being healthy is about the will and desire to do so. You first have to change your mindset; want to do it; have that all important desire to follow through.

Negative thinking will stop the process in an instant. What goes on in your mind totally affects and controls what happens in your body. Determine what works in your life and what things have become easy for you to focus on. Trust yourself to focus and commit to doing positive changes in your daily life. Make simple changes at first and as you become more comfortable, take it to the next level. Act with the intention of making that change!!

Anything can be accomplished if the desire is strong enough; stay focused; don't' let little things or a bad day affect the next one.

Being healthy and fit starts with one step; changing your mindset!