The other day when I was out doing my cardio with my dog a woman passed me wearing a rubberized suit. Obviously she thought wearing it would cause her to sweat and lose weight; what she doesn't realize is that she's only losing water and becoming dehydrated and that's dangerous. She was overweight and it was almost 90 degrees!
Whether it's a rubberized suit, a quick fix diet, or the expensive equipment you see advertised on those infommercials, nothing will help you to lose weight and tone up but a healthy diet and exercise. Cardio and strength training combined with a healthy diet is what will help you to not only lose that weight, but keep it off.
Unfortunately we are a country of the "quick fix". We need to get back to the basics; preparing our own meals from fresh ingredients especially those in season; drinking water rather than soda, sugar rich drinks and desserts. Don't drive around the parking lot looking for that close space; park and walk to the market. Of course use common sense......make sure you park in a safely lit area and be aware of what and who is around you.
For those who run or walk with those Ipods or MP3 players, leave them at home. You won't be able to hear a car, a person or even a dog who might be coming up behind you. Always be aware of your surroundings. Even if you are on the beach listen to the sound of the waves, the birds and allow nature to not only inspire, but relax you.
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