Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do you have a fitness addiction??

Exercise is a wonderful health benefit, but like other things it can become an addiction. Compared to alcohol or drugs it’s a good addiction unless it’s taken to extremes.

Being obsessed with running, spinning, weight lifting or cycling to the point it consumes every part of your life isn’t healthy for anyone. Unless you’re an elite athlete training for the Olympics or a professional athlete moderation is the key. And even those elite athletes have down time.

Taking it to the extreme; even monitoring every bite of food you consume or unable to talk about anything other than your fitness venue will not only be detrimental to your health, but also to your relationships.

Beware of binge eating! Just because it may be a holiday pigging out and then throwing up is an eating disorder or eventually will lead to one.

Put your fitness goals into perspective

Take a good look in the mirror……do you like what you see?

If not, make a list of what you want to change and make sure it is attainable.

Bad habits, addictions and obsessions are hard to break.

Be careful; be wise in your exercise and eating habits.

If anyone would like a one on one consultation, please feel free to email me for contact information!

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