Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weight Loss

For all of you who watch Dancing With the Stars you probably already know that Kirstie Alley has lost 38 inches since she started the show....wow...a great feat and to top it off she is 60!! Not only has she proved that exercise can change your body, but it also proves that age is no factor in getting fit and healthy!!!

As a trainer and instructor I've had many people say to me "I'm 40, I can't do that". Well, folks I guess I have to step up and tell you all you can do it!! I can do it and as much as it pains me to say it.....I just turned 69!!!! OMG what am I thinking!?

So for all of you out there who say you "can't" do something; think twice...."YES, YOU CAN!!"

"CAN'T" no longer an option.

As trainers and instructors we can modify exercises for those with physical limitations, but even then you have to "want" to change your life....unless your mind is ready and willing to take that step....no one can help you. A trainer can motivate you, but again, it's up to YOU!

Kirstie Alley, my hat is off to you for inspiring so many people!!!

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