Friday, April 13, 2012

Fitness and Support

As we all move through life we need emotional support. We may not admit it, but without it, very few of us will succeed. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are trying to accomplish you need a sounding board and someone to be there when times get tough.

It’s especially difficult if you are attempting to change your life, lose weight and become more fit. You need to surround yourself with others who are making that change; move out of your comfort zone. If you belong to a health club or are in a weight loss program find a “buddy” and support each other, especially through the rough times. And believe me, there will be days that you will need that “buddy” to encourage and challenge you to keep moving forward toward your goals. And goals are important! Keep motivated by focusing on those goals. Not the goals of someone else, but YOUR GOALS! Put that bathing suit, skinny jeans, wedding gown or 10K race application out where you can look at it every day! Keep reminding yourself where you are going, not where you have been. Do not allow yourself to slip back into bad eating or exercise habits! Again, do not look at where you’ve been look forward to where you are going!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Weight Loss & Meditation

Meditation is now very mainstream and a wonderful way to lower stress, blood pressure, promote more positive thinking as well as helping with weight loss. 

Many think that meditation is a difficult art to master and some think of it as part of  yoga.  Some Yogis do use a form of meditation, but everyone can learn to quiet the mind without sitting in a special room or using special props.

Meditation not only helps to clear your mind but allows your body to let go of all negative emotions allowing for healing. 

Find a quiet place that you enjoy; it can be at home, in park, even in a museum.  You don't have to be lying down or sitting cross legged in loose fitting clothes on a mat. Sitting on a park bench or in a comfortable chair will work.  Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.  Feel your breath enter and exit your body and begin to let go of any negativity you are holding on to; allow it to flow out through your fingers and toes.
Begin to clear your mind of all thought.  Thoughts will enter your mind, just allow them in and just as quickly allow them to flow out.  Be aware of your body as you continue to let go and relax.  If you  are lying down, try not to nap...keep the focus on your breath. 

As you continue to practice meditation stress levels will fall; you will find you have more energy,  more alert and focused and less apt to binge or snack.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Holiday Eating - Again!

Easter is quickly creeping up and again we have to watch those calories and look for better choices when preparing a holiday feast.  Staying away from high sodium items and those loaded with sugar may be a difficult task on Easter, but this is all part of a healthier lifestyle. 

Cutting down on portion size is the best way to get through a holiday meal. If possible, ask for a smaller plate, it forces you to have smaller portions if you don't go for seconds!!!   If a small or salad plate isn't available don't let your portions touch on that dinner plate!!

If those chocolate bunnies tempt you have a piece, but limit the size and choice.  Go for the dark chocolate; it's not only an antioxidant, but has less sugar. 

Don't deprive yourself, just eat wisely.  

If you are going out to dinner or visiting relatives, be sure to eat a light breakfast or lunch.  Try to maintain your regular exercise routine as it will make you feel better and you'll be less inclined to stuff yourself.  Remember drink plenty of water before and throughout your meal.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fit & Fun

The ability to laugh at oneself is so important not only when striving to  become healthy, but it's  important in life. 

Laughter not only reduces stress, but can make weight loss, running, walking and strength training so much more enjoyable.  Find a friend or workout buddy who is working toward the same goal and let go of your self image  and the things you feel you "can't" accomplish or do.   Can't is not allowed in our thinking!!! 

If something seems too difficult at this moment, continuing to work at it with a sense of humor can make it easier and enjoyable.  And if you have someone to share it with; it become a great motivator and something you look forward to! 

We all need to focus on the positive and laughter is so important.  For those of you who have been in my classes over the years, you know how many times I laugh at myself and enjoy those who laugh with me!!

Keeping a positive attitude throughout life is healthy and makes everyday something to treasure.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Glutes aka Perky Butt!!

As part of our Spring Workout, we certainly don't want to forget those all important  glutes.......and we all, male and female,  want to achieve and keep that perky butt!!

Lunges and squats are certainly the best exercises to build and maintain those muscles.  These both can be done with or without weights.  For beginners  using a stability ball against a wall is great for building and then maintaining your strength.  Place a large stability ball on a wall and lean against it with your lower back and then walk both feet out slowly and then squat.  As your begin this exercise just squat down as far as you can comfortably go without losing your balance.  As always, be aware of your form.

  1. Stand with feet hip distance apart with your toes, knees and hips in a straight line.
  2. Pull your belly button towards your spine and contract your abdominal muscles.
  3. Slowly lower your body..
  4. If you can, go down until your butt is in line with your knees (knees at 90 degree angles). If you can't go down that low, go as low as you can.
  5. Take a moment and look down make sure your knees are BEHIND your toes.
  6. Keeping the weight in your heels, slowly push your body back to starting position.
  7. At the top of the movement, do NOT lock your knees. Keep a slight bend in them.

As you progress or for those of you who have been working out adding dumbbells to your routine will increase your strength.  If you belong to a health club, squatting on a Smith Machine is a great way to progress into free weights.  Always ask a floor attendant for help when starting any free weight exercise.