Meditation is now very mainstream and a wonderful way to lower stress, blood pressure, promote more positive thinking as well as helping with weight loss.
Many think that meditation is a difficult art to master and some think of it as part of yoga. Some Yogis do use a form of meditation, but everyone can learn to quiet the mind without sitting in a special room or using special props.
Meditation not only helps to clear your mind but allows your body to let go of all negative emotions allowing for healing.
Find a quiet place that you enjoy; it can be at home, in park, even in a museum. You don't have to be lying down or sitting cross legged in loose fitting clothes on a mat. Sitting on a park bench or in a comfortable chair will work. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel your breath enter and exit your body and begin to let go of any negativity you are holding on to; allow it to flow out through your fingers and toes.
Begin to clear your mind of all thought. Thoughts will enter your mind, just allow them in and just as quickly allow them to flow out. Be aware of your body as you continue to let go and relax. If you are lying down, try not to nap...keep the focus on your breath.
As you continue to practice meditation stress levels will fall; you will find you have more energy, more alert and focused and less apt to binge or snack.
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