Friday, April 13, 2012

Fitness and Support

As we all move through life we need emotional support. We may not admit it, but without it, very few of us will succeed. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are trying to accomplish you need a sounding board and someone to be there when times get tough.

It’s especially difficult if you are attempting to change your life, lose weight and become more fit. You need to surround yourself with others who are making that change; move out of your comfort zone. If you belong to a health club or are in a weight loss program find a “buddy” and support each other, especially through the rough times. And believe me, there will be days that you will need that “buddy” to encourage and challenge you to keep moving forward toward your goals. And goals are important! Keep motivated by focusing on those goals. Not the goals of someone else, but YOUR GOALS! Put that bathing suit, skinny jeans, wedding gown or 10K race application out where you can look at it every day! Keep reminding yourself where you are going, not where you have been. Do not allow yourself to slip back into bad eating or exercise habits! Again, do not look at where you’ve been look forward to where you are going!!

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