Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fit & Fun

The ability to laugh at oneself is so important not only when striving to  become healthy, but it's  important in life. 

Laughter not only reduces stress, but can make weight loss, running, walking and strength training so much more enjoyable.  Find a friend or workout buddy who is working toward the same goal and let go of your self image  and the things you feel you "can't" accomplish or do.   Can't is not allowed in our thinking!!! 

If something seems too difficult at this moment, continuing to work at it with a sense of humor can make it easier and enjoyable.  And if you have someone to share it with; it become a great motivator and something you look forward to! 

We all need to focus on the positive and laughter is so important.  For those of you who have been in my classes over the years, you know how many times I laugh at myself and enjoy those who laugh with me!!

Keeping a positive attitude throughout life is healthy and makes everyday something to treasure.

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