Monday, November 14, 2011

Easy Fitness & Exercise Tips

Way too many folks even though they may head to a gym, forget the easy steps to fitness....below are a few tips to help burn a few more calories every day.

Climb those steps!! Bring comfortable shoes to wear and walk up to your office rather than take the elevator. It not only burns calories, but does wonders for your legs and butt!

Do not ride around looking for the close parking spot.....find a safe and well lit area and walk to the store.

Carry your groceries, especially if you have only a couple of bags. Lift them up and down as you walk to your the arms, especially the biceps, as well as increasing your calorie burn!

At the airport....walk, do not use the people mover or cart!!! For those who spend hours on a plane, walking will help get that blood flow moving as well as help with jet lag! And remember, water, water, water.

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