Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Healthy Thanksgiving Tips

Thanksgiving always seems to be associated with eating and for the most part not healthful eating.

Just a few tips to help with this year's Thanksgiving Menu.

Replace sour cream with fat free yogurt.

Stay away from those buttery sauces.

Steam your vegetables and flavor with lemon juice.

Eliminate sugar. Try Swerve for a great sugar replacement for all your baking and cooking needs.

Try baked Sweet Potatoes or Yams seasoned with cinnamon instead of those sugar and fat laced candied.

Moisten stuffing with vegetable broth instead of butter. Use fresh herbs for all your seasonings; you will love the difference.

Stick with white meat...less fat!!

Be sure to drink plenty of water before and with your meal.

Healthy holiday eating is a lifestyle change; embrace it!

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