Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Anti Ageing Tips from Pat

Our mind is our most powerful tool. It tells our body everything to do and unless you keep positive thoughts flowing through your mind, your energy will be drained.

Studies have proven that 75% of our thoughts in one hour are negative. We all go through rough times whether it's financial, illness, relationships, divorce, unemployment or natural disasters, we have to overcome the negative. Problems are just obstacles we must overcome and take something positive from it.

In 1994 I broke my back in a fall. It was devastating for me and not only because of the actual physical limitation at the time, but the emotional issues that came with it; Loss of my marriage. But in reality it turned into a wake up call and I realized I had to change my life, let go of the past, and move on. Learning to change the negative into a positive isn't easy, but once you get it, you'll find yourself living a happier, healthier and more productive life.

That positive energy is one of the most powerful anti ageing tools we have. Embrace it!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Healthy Shopping - Tips from Pat

Earlier I wrote about how important it is to read labels when you shop. Sunday seems to be a big day for heading to the grocery store for the upcoming work week.

For those fortunate enough to live in an area where freshly picked produce is available consider yourself lucky. For the rest of us, we need to be aware and vigilant about what is available and affordable when speaking about "fresh". Some items will sit in a warehouse for weeks, perhaps months before making it to your local store. Eggs and fruit (especially apples) are items which spend time in warehouses. Try to find "fresh" eggs in your area. A local farm is your best source of fresh eggs and cheaper!

Always buy produce which is in season. And when berry season comes around, load up. Freeze those blueberries, blackberries and strawberries! Berries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. A great source of anti-ageing properties.

More anti-ageing tips coming this week!

And if you have any questions about fitness, healthy eating, weight loss or training, let me know!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Weekend Tips from Pat

Sometimes the weekends can be the downfall on the diet path. Friends call and ask you to join them for happy hour, dinner, movies or the theater. It's difficult when you are trying to watch your calories and eat healthy if those friends and family aren't supportive.

Inner strength is what will keep you on the right track. Don't get caught up in trying to "people please".

Have that one drink; order a healthy snack or meal. Be true to yourself and who you want to be! Keep on your own path!

Think about your goals; that new dress, suit, skinny jeans or vacation. Keep your focus and don't let others you talk you into straying from those goals.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is not all about weight loss; it's about a healthier you. Eating right and eating clean affects everything about your body; your hair, your skin, your bones and even your brain.

Clean eating means staying away from refined and processed foods. Limiting sugar intake, staying away from fast foods, processed foods, diet drinks, limiting alcohol intake and caffeine.
With Spring and Summer fresh produce and fruits will be plentiful. Try to buy local veggies and fruits being aware of those which are organically grown; no pesticides or fertilizers.

Always think about what foods and drinks you are putting in your body.

Berries, nuts, (almonds, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts) make great snacks. Going for a walk, a hike, make your own trail mix! These are all great energy boosters and don't forget the water!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Fitness Tips from Pat

Stress is not only one of the leading causes of doctor's visits in this country (70-90%), but also has direct link to overeating and weight gain.

Emotional eating results primarily from the stressors in your life. Everyday we are constantly reminded of the negatives in our lives. So many people are suffering through financial issues right now; unemployment and foreclosures are at an all time high; students dealing with overwhelming homework and/or college loans. And in this country when money gets tight, many turn to fast food options. It's cheap, quick and the children love it. But the damage it's doing to our bodies leads to diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain, heart disease just to start.

Being overweight and constantly thinking about it starts a snowball effect. You become upset about being overweight, the emotional side kicks in and you crave those comfort foods. Again you beat yourself up about what you've eaten and that stress continues to thrive.

Stress also changes your metabolism making it sluggish; one of factors in retaining belly fat!

Stress Management is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. You need to take time for YOU! Take a walk outside. Get rid of the Ipod, get back to listening to nature. Take a yoga class, a guided meditation class, find a quiet place to just be with yourself. You cannot be there for your family if your health (mental and physical) is deteriorating.

"Fitness is a lifestyle and not only a challenge for your body, but your mind as well. Your mind controls every aspect of your body and no matter what your fitness goals may be, your mind has to be open and willing to accept the challenge."

"When you change your body, you change everything about yourself."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yes, It's a Lifestyle Change!!

Magazines and TV seemingly make losing weight effortless or if you really believed those infomercials you would be doing 10 minutes on a piece of expensive equipment and "bam" you'd have perfect abs and drop 50 pounds in six weeks.


It's all about a lifestyle change; it's the mindset which is so important. In other words the choices you make; your eating and exercise habits. Think about and write down how much time you spend doing the following:

Sitting at a desk, in a car, in front of a TV, in front of a computer.
Eating out at restaurants and making bad food choices.
Drinking alcohol.
Staying up late and not getting enough sleep!


Now, think about how much time you spend:

Being active (Exercising, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking, gardening).
Strength training (all muscle groups).
Preparing your own healthy meals and snacks. (Eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables.)
Dealing with stress in a healthy way. (Yoga, meditation, taking time for yourself, spending quality time with friends.)

As humans we like routine so much so we often keep doing the same things even when we know they aren't good for us. Changing bad habits is difficult and takes much more effort than starting something new.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Trying to Lose Weight? Think Before Ordering!

Starbucks is one of my favorite places to write. And I am a writer as well as a fitness professional and in the latter role I tend to cringe and wonder what people are thinking.
Coming into a coffee shop and ordering a Latte with Splenda and an apple fritter or cheese danish makes no sense. And I see this all the time. When I worked in New Orleans I constantly would see women come in from the health club after an intense exercise session and order a skinny Frappuccino and a cheese danish!! The next morning they would come back to the health club complaining that they haven't lost a pound!!!

Don't think because you take an exercise class or do some cardio that you can eat anything you want. It doesn't work that way.

Have that Latte with Splenda but pair it with a protein drink, egg white omelet, yogurt; something with protein to fuel your body. Stay away from the sugar; avoid fried and fat filled treats!

If you want to see a difference in your body and lose those extra pounds, think before you order!

Read through the nutritional information, become an informed consumer and a healthier you!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tips on Working Out from Pat

I see people everyday at the health club who ask: "I'm working out everyday and my body doesn't seem to change, why?"

People get stuck in a routine and most don't like change. But change is what your body needs to keep it really working hard. If all you do everyday is take a spin class or run on a treadmill, your body eventually will plateau out. It doesn't have to work as hard as it's gotten used to doing the same exercise day after day.

You need to change your routine!! If you are taking spin classes 4-5 times a week, try another cardio class. Give Zumba or a Boot Camp Class a try. If you're trying to get into swimsuit shape, head to a Pilates, Abs or Yoga class. All these classes will tone the muscles and the strength training involved will also keep your body burning fat.

Get to the weight room; don't be intimidated! Ask an employee for help. Don't lift more than you can control and if you have a physical limitation, talk to a trainer before starting.

For those of you who may be working with a trainer and you notice your body isn't responding the way you want it to; it might be time to change trainers. And explain to that trainer exactly what you want to accomplish. You should be able to talk to your trainer and that trainer should listen. A fitness test including body measurements should be done on a regular basis so you and your trainer know exactly where you are and if you are accomplishing your goals.

We tend to get into that "COMFORT ZONE" which is never good. Change is not only great for your body, but also keeps the mind fresh!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tips from Pat

Healthy eating starts with eliminating all white "stuff" from your diet. That includes white flour, sugar, breads, rice and even potatoes. Start eating whole grain breads, brown rice and sweet potatoes. They are a much healthier choice and packed full of vitamins and nutrients. Cut out sugar completely. No one says it will be easy, but you'll be surprised how much better you will feel.

Losing weight is about "choices". Make a commitment to yourself and to your body to be more aware of what you put in your mouth. Before you drink that Latte, Mocha, Martini or diet soda take ten seconds; could you have made a healthier choice? Of course, a non fat Latte, Mocha; a glass of red wine, water instead of diet soda are all better choices. If you really want to indulge, cut to once a week!

For example: Calories in a Grande Latte for five days adds up to: 1100. The better choice Skinny Grande Latte: 650. In a five day period you would cut 450 Calories!!! It's about choice and again, "READ LABELS".

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ideas from Pat for Healthy Eating

The first thing I tell clients who come to me to lose weight is: "READ LABELS".

Not only do you want to know what you are putting into your body but the calories you might be consuming without even knowing. At a quick glance that container you picked up might say 240 calories. Read closer as the 240 calories may be for one serving and that container may contain 2,3 or even 4 servings! So what you think is only 240 calories actually may be 480, 720 or even 960!!! Take the time to read those labels carefully; be aware of hidden calories.

Keep a daily or weekly food log. It will not only help you to keep track of what you are putting in your body but the calories you consume. And those calories add up quickly. Watch your snacks, no candy bars! Choose nuts or fruit instead. No wine or beer for a snack!! And I have seen that on a food log....give that person credit for being honest, but alcohol for a mid-afternoon snack doesn't cut it when you are trying to lose weight!

Tomorrow, more weight loss tips.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Celebrate St. Paddy's Day - Healthy Ideas from Pat

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

If you are planning on celebrating do it in a healthier way. Especially if you are trying to lose weight. Enjoy a light beer, but have a limit! Be careful you don't get so caught up in the partying that you lose track of what and how much you are consuming. Have that one drink and then switch to water with lemon. Stay away from that corned beef and cabbage!! Cabbage is good, but that corned beef, ugh....filled with fat and sodium!!!

Think about how you will feel tomorrow. Will it be worth it??

For those of you who are keeping a food log, be sure to write down everything you eat and drink. If you aren't keeping one, start today. You'll be surprised how fast those calories add up. A scary process but it is a process.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Core Strength and Bodilates

I teach a core strength class and see so many people with limited core strength, even those who work with a trainer. Six pack abs don't cut it! You need the inner muscle strength for the core to engage.

As a personal trainer I focus on core strength as well as agility, flexibility and overall fitness. Clients who suffered with back issues become symptom free as that core becomes stronger and more flexible. Having worked with professional power lifters and body builders I've seen way too many back injuries due to weak core muscles. Being ripped does not necessarily mean strength!! Bodilates kicks butt! Even those belonging to athletes!

And remember to add protein to your diet! Muscles need fuel....the more muscle you build, the more fat your burn! Chicken, fish and bean are healthy sources of protein.

Ooops No Sun Yet!

Still raining here in the northeast. But it's a Monday and start to a new work week. Stay positive, this rain will soon turn the bleak landscape into green lawns, trees and bring out the flowers!

Spring break has ended in this area of the country and my fitness classes will fill as Lehigh students return once more in an attempt to shed the couple of pounds gained during the tropical parties!!

Speaking of Spring, it's a week away. Time to get back to healthy eating, getting to the gym and changing your lifestyle. Put that dress, bathing suit, pair of skinny jeans, suit, you can't get into out in plain sight. Look at it everyday; set a goal and stick to it!!!

This is not the first day of the rest of your life, but it's the first HOUR!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Comfort Foods

It's quite a dreary day here in the northeast. Rain and gusting winds have caused flooding and power outages making for a day of comfort cravings. For those stuck in that same old rut of "cravings" get out of the house and away from those enticing foods and drinks. Head to a mall, a museum, a movie (forget the buttery popcorn and soda), keep your mind occupied. If you belong to a gym head there and workout until those cravings vanish!!

Tomorrow is another day, strive for it and take the lyrics from Annie to heart "The sun will be out tomorrow"!!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Anti Aging

Our minds play a big part in how we age.....think young, stay young. Don't get "stuck" into being someone you're not. Follow your dreams, if you think something is out of reach it will be. Keep your dream alive by being positive, thinking that dream is just a moment away!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring & Health

Time to start thinking about that lifestyle change!!! And being healthy and fit is a LIFESTYLE!

Eating healthy, cutting out the sugars and carb overloads and reading food label are the first steps to a new lifestyle.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Weight Loss Management

March is here and summer only three months away! Time to start thinking about the beach, the pool, shorts and bathing suit bodies! With the weather changing and days getting longer lose the comfort foods and begin your healthy new lifestyle.

Need help? Contact me......don't let March slip into April and April slip into May.