Friday, November 22, 2013

Holiday Eating

With the holiday season almost upon us we all have to stop, take a moment and reflect on all the choices which will be out there. And I’m talking about food choices. When we visit friends or relatives who may not want to change their holiday fare, we, as individuals, have to be vigilant and take responsibility for what we put in our mouths.

Even though those gravies, rich food and the desserts which will be overflowing the choice is yours to make. Think portion control! It’s going to be the one thing I want you to think about. Don’t overload your plate. Ask for a smaller plate at dinner or do not let the individual items on a dinner plate touch each other. It’s an easy way to keep portion size limited and never go back for seconds!

Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast and if you are not eating that holiday dinner until late in the day, be sure to eat a healthy and low calorie lunch. Don’t skip breakfast and lunch because you want to splurge on that holiday dinner.

Drink plenty of water, it will not only fill you up but will keep you hydrated especially if you will be having a cocktail or wine with dinner.

Just because you work out on a regular basis doesn’t give you license to over indulge and then complain about weight gain during the holidays. Take responsibility for yourself and your health!!