Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Many people have asked me how to meditate.  I must admit it took a long time before I could actually relax and let go of my racing  thoughts.  The first time I tried it, all I could focus on was the clock! 

When attempting to meditate you'll need to find a comfortable and quiet area away from any distractions (phone, t.v., pets, children).  Don't be discouraged if you can't let it  go the first time you try it.  Just sit quietly, close your eyes and attempt to allow thoughts to flow from your mind.   I always tell my yoga students to allow those thoughts to come into your mind, but then allow them to flow right back out.  Soon you'll find yourself able to relax and enjoy the feeling that comes with meditation.

If you can lie on a yoga mat without falling asleep, begin to let all negative energy to flow out of your body.....feel it leave through your fingers and toes and just allow yourself to sink into the mat.  Just be.

Soft music or nature sounds is often a wonderful background for meditating. Find what works best for you.

Allow your stress to float away bringing a calm to both your mind and body.  Remeber you are the one holding on to your stress and you must be the person to let it go. 

Bring balance and awareness to your life; rediscover your focus and release nervous tension.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Back Sliding

When attempting to lose weight never view mistakes or a bad weekend as total failure.  Simply pick up where you left off.

Negative emotions (anger, frustration) will lead to back sliding so be sure to keep a positive attitude and never let others force you into unhealthy eating habits.  Sometimes friends and/or family will want you to fall back into bad habits, whether from jealousy or not knowing how to eat healthy.  Be aware and be strong!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stress Kills

Have you ever been upset by, offended, or perhaps angered by something that happened to you or by the actions of another person? Of course you have. Who hasn’t?

What’s interesting to point out is the feelings you felt when you became upset were actually your chosen response. In other words, the feelings you felt were brought on by your reaction or response to something. Not the “something” itself. Why is this important to know? I’ll explain.

When our response to events in life or actions of other people causes us to become upset or angry, a number of physical things happen to our body:

-Our heart rate increases

-Our blood pressure increases

-We release stress hormones

All of this puts a strain on our heart, kidneys, brain and other organs… not to mention makes us feel lousy.

The long-term effects contribute directly and indirectly to many of the leading causes of death in this country, including the top three: heart disease, cancer and stroke.


Learn how to say “no”. Know your limits and stick to them, whether in your personal or professional life.

Avoid people who stress your out: If someone consistently causes stress in your life and you can’t alter the situation, just limit the time you spend with them.

Take control of your environment: Take a different route home if you hate sitting in traffic, even if it takes you longer.

Avoid hot ticket subjects:  And we all have those! Change the subject or remove yourself from the conversation.

Be willing to compromise.

Be more assertive.

Manage your time.

Always focus on the positive.


For questions or help with any of the above, please feel free to contact me.