Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Safety Tips

Hopefully everyone is in full swing for the holiday season which is quickly approaching.

For those of you who do your cardio outside here are a few simple tips to keep you safe.

Always be aware of your surroundings.

Listening to music while biking or running is dangerous. You will not hear the traffic around you and someone can quickly be on top of you before you can react!

If you run or walk vary your routine and route frequently.

Carry a cell phone - emergencies happen!

Stay away from parked vans.

If you feel uncomfortable head for a store, a well lit and populated area. Trust your instincts! Don't become a statistic!

Always let a close friend or relative know what your route is and the time you expect to be finished.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Hints for A Healthy Thanksgiving

Some hints for having a healthy Thanksgiving Day!

Have a light healthy breakfast.

Get out and take a bike ride, walk or a run.

Drink plenty of water.

If you are eating late in the day, have a lite lunch so you don't find yourself so hungry at dinner that you "pig" out.

Again, drink plenty of water. It helps to curb the appetite as well as keeping you hydrated.

Limit your alcohol....remember even a glass of wine can have up to 175 calories per 6 oz. glass.

Use a smaller plate; it helps to limit portions.

Keep foods separate on your plate, i.e. don't let them touch each other. (It's a great way to keep the portions small).

If those desserts look appetizing, have a tiny piece of each. Stay away from the gravies, whipped cream, buttery and cheesy sauces.

After dinner, get out and walk, walk, walk. Don't get caught up in being a couch potato.

Remember you can't work off a bad diet!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Healthy Thanksgiving Tips

Thanksgiving always seems to be associated with eating and for the most part not healthful eating.

Just a few tips to help with this year's Thanksgiving Menu.

Replace sour cream with fat free yogurt.

Stay away from those buttery sauces.

Steam your vegetables and flavor with lemon juice.

Eliminate sugar. Try Swerve for a great sugar replacement for all your baking and cooking needs.

Try baked Sweet Potatoes or Yams seasoned with cinnamon instead of those sugar and fat laced candied.

Moisten stuffing with vegetable broth instead of butter. Use fresh herbs for all your seasonings; you will love the difference.

Stick with white meat...less fat!!

Be sure to drink plenty of water before and with your meal.

Healthy holiday eating is a lifestyle change; embrace it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Easy Fitness & Exercise Tips

Way too many folks even though they may head to a gym, forget the easy steps to fitness....below are a few tips to help burn a few more calories every day.

Climb those steps!! Bring comfortable shoes to wear and walk up to your office rather than take the elevator. It not only burns calories, but does wonders for your legs and butt!

Do not ride around looking for the close parking spot.....find a safe and well lit area and walk to the store.

Carry your groceries, especially if you have only a couple of bags. Lift them up and down as you walk to your the arms, especially the biceps, as well as increasing your calorie burn!

At the airport....walk, do not use the people mover or cart!!! For those who spend hours on a plane, walking will help get that blood flow moving as well as help with jet lag! And remember, water, water, water.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's a Lifestyle Change!!

Magazines and commercials make losing weight seem effortless. If you really believed those infomercials you would be working out 10 minutes a day on a seemingly effortless piece of expensive equipment and "bam" you'd have perfect abs, drop 50 pounds in six weeks! IT DOESN'T HAPPEN THAT WAY!!

You have to realize it's a lifestyle change. Your lifestyle and your mindset are so important. Those are the things which help you to live your life. In other words what life choices you make and those choices include, but are not limited to: not smoking, being aware of what foods you eat and exercise. Take a moment and think about and then write down how much time you spend doing the following:

o Sitting at a desk
o Sitting in a car
o Sitting in front of the TV
o Sitting in front of a computer
o Smoking
o Eating out at restaurants
o Making bad food choices (eating fast food or junk food)
o Drinking alcohol
o Being sleep deprived.

Be honest, be aware. Now, think about how much time you spend:

o Being active (taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, cleaning, gardening).
o Doing some type of cardiovascular exercise.
o Strength training.
o Preparing your own meals and snacks (eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables).
o Reading food labels.
o Dealing with stress in a healthy way. (Yoga, meditation, taking time for quite time, spending quality time with friends).
o Getting enough sleep.
o Taking time for YOU!

As humans we like much so we often keep doing the same things even when we know they aren't good for us. Changing bad habits is a difficult process and takes so much more effort than starting something new. But changing those habits is the first step on your road to a healthier lifestyle and a new you!

One of the first steps to this new lifestyle is changing your mindset. You have to "Want" to be healthier. And it's about being healthy! Getting that bikini or buff body is great but you must do it in a healthy way without crash diets or stimulants. One of the first steps is to make a daily food log; write down everything you eat or drink (no cheating)!! And at the end of a week carefully go through your log; you'll be surprised how many things on that log you will see which were not healthy choices.

There are many on line sites which can help you keep track of your caloric intake. You'll be surprised at how quickly those calories add up, especially if you're not working them off through exercise. Being aware of what you are putting into your body is your first step in creating a healthy lifestyle!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Holiday Parties

The holidays are fast approaching and it seems that people once again are craving those carbs! Stopping off for a hot chocolate and scone in the morning and then wondering why you gain weight makes trainers shake their heads. Don't get me wrong, we all have a "cheat day", but not EVERY DAY!

If you live in the colder areas of the country you certainly might crave those extra carbs, but also realize the consequences. It's all about "cause and effect". Calories add up very quickly; keep track of everything you consume for a week and then check those calories. You will be surprised how many you are consuming and also realize where you can cut down.

With holiday parties coming up everyone needs to be aware of what they are putting into their bodies.

If you are confused about the calorie counts, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do everything I can to get you on the right track to a healthier lifestyle and a better body!