Saturday, April 17, 2010

Taking Time for You! Tips from Pat

Do not workout everyday...give yourself a day to recover. Your body needs that time off! Your mind needs it even more.

Working out everyday defeats the purpose and will lead to injuries and backsliding. Mix up those workouts and always make sure you take time for you. And by that I mean using some free time to quiet your mind from the pressures of daily life. Now with the weather improving, take a walk, leave the Ipod at home and just soak in the sounds of nature.

If you live in a city, try going to a park, or if you can't then download some nature sounds and just use those to relax and unwind. No matter what your job is, you need some "mind" time to let go.

And for those of you trying to lose weight, it's even more important to have that day to allow your body to rest and relax. We all know that stress kills, but it also affects the Cortisol levels in your body and that will cause you to retain fat, especially belly fat.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Healthly Traveling Tips from Pat

Eating on the road whether on a plane or in your car can sometimes be a challenge. Nibbling to keep awake on a long drive can lead to the comfort foods. You're tired, but don't want to spend a lot of time in a restaurant so you grab a couple of bags of chips, sodas, dougnuts at a convenience store and hit the road again. Already you've not only sabotaged your diet, but your blood sugar is going to have those mountains and valleys.

Before driving off on that vacation or business trip, pack your own snacks. Nuts, (walnuts, peanuts, almonds) dried cranberries, blueberries, mango, apples make great snacks. They will keep that blood sugar level even which will keep you energized. Drink water! You may make more pit stops, but even that will keep you energized with a quick walk. Take a few minutes at a scenic rest stop along the way. Get out of the car and stretch, shake up your body, get the energy flowing once more. You won't be as stiff when you arrive at your destination and you'll be more alert.

Airports now offer travelers more food choices. Grab a yogurt or a smoothie for a quick snack. Pick a salad, a bag of nuts or trail mix and avoid those high calorie, sugary doughnuts, pretzels, cookies, ice cream bars or sundaes. Most airlines now sell snack packs on board and they, too, can be a healthy choice if you read and compare labels. The inflight magazine lists the ingredients so you know exactly which is your best choice. And, drink water not alcohol!

Making airline connections? Walk, take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator. I check my bag, yes, it costs me money, but I feel great and refreshed after taking the stairs and walking to the next gate or terminal. And it burns calories!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Back to Work - Tips from Pat

Just returned from a wonderful trip to the New Orleans area where I not only enjoyed the beautiful weather, but met with other fitness professionals.

Fresh seafood, great fresh fruits (it's strawberry festival time down there) are bountiful, and it is easy to move past the fried foods which were so prevalent in New Orleans in the past. Like anywhere else in the world it's easy to still enjoy the differences in cultures but in a healthy way.

Living a healthy lifestyle is not "rocket science"! It's about learning how to take care of your body, changing your eating and exercise habits and most important changing your mindset. When traveling you can still enjoy the local cuisine by just "thinking" about what you are ordering. Whether it's New Orleans, Paris, Rome or NYC, go with the grilled instead of fried, enjoy the fruits and veggies which are locally in season.

Paris women are known for being slim and in shape. One reason they walk all over the city, (in heels), do not eat processed foods as everything is freshly cooked, and even though the cream sauces still abound, the portions are small. Simply put, they exercise, eat small meals, and buy fresh meats, veggies, baked goods and cheeses from small local markets.

We here in the US, have gotten lazy. We drive everywhere and park as close to the store as possible. I see people everyday who will drive around looking for a close parking space when they could have parked farther away, gone in, shopped and left in the same amount of time as they took driving around the lot looking for that close space.

More Traveling Tips tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Believe in Yourself - Tips from Pat

You have limitless possibilities if only you believe in yourself and in your dreams.

Today is a day to think and "believe" that anything is possible. Let go of the negative, only think of the positive; it's never a bad use of your time.

Remind yourself that power is now! Stay centered and be happy and peaceful inside.

Let go of any bad habits, embrace your new and healthy lifestyle!