Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Celebrate St. Paddy's Day - Healthy Ideas from Pat

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

If you are planning on celebrating do it in a healthier way. Especially if you are trying to lose weight. Enjoy a light beer, but have a limit! Be careful you don't get so caught up in the partying that you lose track of what and how much you are consuming. Have that one drink and then switch to water with lemon. Stay away from that corned beef and cabbage!! Cabbage is good, but that corned beef, ugh....filled with fat and sodium!!!

Think about how you will feel tomorrow. Will it be worth it??

For those of you who are keeping a food log, be sure to write down everything you eat and drink. If you aren't keeping one, start today. You'll be surprised how fast those calories add up. A scary process but it is a process.

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