Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ideas from Pat for Healthy Eating

The first thing I tell clients who come to me to lose weight is: "READ LABELS".

Not only do you want to know what you are putting into your body but the calories you might be consuming without even knowing. At a quick glance that container you picked up might say 240 calories. Read closer as the 240 calories may be for one serving and that container may contain 2,3 or even 4 servings! So what you think is only 240 calories actually may be 480, 720 or even 960!!! Take the time to read those labels carefully; be aware of hidden calories.

Keep a daily or weekly food log. It will not only help you to keep track of what you are putting in your body but the calories you consume. And those calories add up quickly. Watch your snacks, no candy bars! Choose nuts or fruit instead. No wine or beer for a snack!! And I have seen that on a food log....give that person credit for being honest, but alcohol for a mid-afternoon snack doesn't cut it when you are trying to lose weight!

Tomorrow, more weight loss tips.

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