Sunday, March 28, 2010

Healthy Shopping - Tips from Pat

Earlier I wrote about how important it is to read labels when you shop. Sunday seems to be a big day for heading to the grocery store for the upcoming work week.

For those fortunate enough to live in an area where freshly picked produce is available consider yourself lucky. For the rest of us, we need to be aware and vigilant about what is available and affordable when speaking about "fresh". Some items will sit in a warehouse for weeks, perhaps months before making it to your local store. Eggs and fruit (especially apples) are items which spend time in warehouses. Try to find "fresh" eggs in your area. A local farm is your best source of fresh eggs and cheaper!

Always buy produce which is in season. And when berry season comes around, load up. Freeze those blueberries, blackberries and strawberries! Berries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. A great source of anti-ageing properties.

More anti-ageing tips coming this week!

And if you have any questions about fitness, healthy eating, weight loss or training, let me know!!

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